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Showing posts from January 14, 2018

Heal a bronchitis with recommended plants

Bronchitis It is the inflammation of mucous membrane covered the inner of the bronchial tubes. Bronchitis  normally is caused by an infection, and aggravated by irriting smoke, like that of tobacco. The symptoms Fever, cough, pain with cough  and sometimes respiratory difficulty. When the illness frequently is repeated, it is considered as a chronic bronchitis. Good plants for bronchitis, their action and their use Carrot: Fortifies the mucous membrane and increase the defenses: preventive action. Take it raw or in juice. Garlic: Antibiotic, expectorant. Take it raw. Onion : Antibiotic, facilitates the expulsion of the mucus, anti- inflammatory.Take it raw, fresh juice, syrup. Eucalyptus: Antiseptic, balsamic, regenarates the bronchial mucous. Take it in tea ( infusion), vapor bath. Licorice: Favours the expectoration, soothe cough, go down the respiratory tracts. Take it in infusion, soaking. Radish: Antibiotic, mucolytic, expectorant. Take it ra