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Showing posts from February 12, 2018

You can control your stress

Stress is present everywhere. People feel it at work, at home, on a trip, at school, in the neighborhood, etc. Why have you so much stress? The reason is simple:  there is insight you a feeling of fear which makes you believe that you are going to fail in your goals, or you are not going to reach your direction. For example, I am going to be late at school or at work this morning because I awoke later than usual; I will not be able to buy my desired car this year , for the price has increased in the automobile company and my budget can't changed; my studies are going to be stopped because I just lost the only person who was paying the tuition for me. However, these negative thoughts that generate an intense tension insight you until clouding you and giving up your dreams or projects, you can dispel them, knowing how you  can control your stress. How can you control these moments of stress? 1-Say to yourself that this situation in which you are is going to lead to somet