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How to eat well to optimize health


A healthy, well-balanced meal is the key to a healthy body


While eating is a basic need for a human being to survive, eating well is essential for achieving and maintaining good health. Imagine the pain you can feel in your stomach after a too spicy meal, repeated headaches due to a lack of energy or oxygen in the brain,  obesity and diabetes problems, which can prevent you from realizing your daily activities. Certainly, you will want to make a change in your way to eat. 

In this article, we will help to get all you need to know about how to eat well to optimize your health. 
Besides the basics of the nutrition we are going to talk about in this article, there are others factors leading  to a good health. These elements are: the sun, the water, the air. physical exercise, the rest, trust in God. You will read this article How to improve your health through this       link:

In this article, you also discover how eat well by knowing about the macronutrients and micronutrients, their functions, their food sources, and the daily values you need, in order to keep your body healthy. You will learn how mix the macronutrients to get a balanced died. At the end, 5 mistakes to avoid in terms of diet.

The basics of a good nutrition

May be you wondering what eat well means. Indeed, it is the ability to choose a balanced and varied diet; it is eating fresh and right foods, but it is also necessary to eat enough and tasty food at each meal.

That's not all, we must eat according to the times of the day, and manage the meals in a way to provide our body with all nutrients to keep it healthy, as noted by a Naturopath, Joelle Juppeau, in an article "Sante au naturel" published in January 2018 in PasseportSante, that you can see in the following link:

Here are the basic dietary principles  that you are going to  learn in order to apply them in your life. 

A balanced diet 

What is a balanced diet? It is choosing to eat meals having the three food groups: carbohydrates (sugars), lipids (fats), and proteins. For example, your meal should contain a healthy dose of carbohydrates, enough protein, and not too much fat. We will discuss these different food groups in detail later in this article, and the daily value you have to take in each group.

Balanced foods? that's not all: we must know how to vary them to avoid deficiencies. Let's deal with that now

A variety of foods

Food variety refers to the fact that you mix foods from the entire range of food groups (that is, vegetables, fruit, cereals, meat, fish and dairy products). So your body will not suffer from nutritional deficiencies. 

According to a document published by Nutrition Australia, "The word variety indicates that a range of foods from each food group should be consumed. For example, instead of choosing one cereal product to eat, it is better to choose a selection of cereal products and alternate, say between wheat, oat, rye, rice, or barley. It is recommended that a variety of foods be eaten because the nutritional content of each food is very different. This is true even for foods that are from the same food group. " 

For example, a breakfast with two slices of bread, a glass of milk, an apple, contains the nutritional elements necessary for your body, so that you feel perfectly good about yourself during the whole morning. 

And what about the choice of food at the supermarket? Which ones should you look for?

Choose fresh and right foods

It is advised by nutrition specialists to choose foods that are fresh from the supermarket. Local food is highly recommended because they are unrefined, and then  directly supply all nutrients and vitamins to your body.

So, you should pay attention to the choice of fruits and vegetables in the market. Because if the food is not of good quality, it can cause disease rather than guarantee your health.

Sufficient and tasty foods at normal temperature

It is a fatal mistake of overeating or not to eat enough. You must choose a reasonable and tasty diet. Reasonable is when you eat enough food to get the necessary energy to realize your daily activities. you must keep a balance diet, providing sufficient calories. 

The food has to have a good flavor, that can give you much interest to maintain a diet. In this sense, you have to control the amount of salt, and the spices you put in the meal you prepare, without forgetting to control the level of temperature. 

Cooking food at high-temperature takes away the proprieties of the food. It is recommendable to cook the food at a low temperature, below 100 C. 

How to eat according to the time of day

Remember to plan your daily meal in advance. For example, eat fat in the morning, heavy at midday, and light in the evening. In the long term, you can maintain your health and manage your weight. It is therefore advisable to plan what we will eat the day before for breakfast, and in the morning, what we will take during the rest of the day. This method will allow you to do good food management, in order to organize and balance them. 

Let's go back to the three food groups, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, (macronutrients), their functions in the organism, and how to balance them in each meal. You will also learn the functions of the micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and water).

How to eat well: know the daily values ​​of Macronutrients 

We eat to get energy (calories). Macronutrients give us the energy we need and " enable growth and repair of tissues, and maintain the temperature of our body and fuel physical activity," according to an article on Macronutrients published in Science  Learning Hub. 

Carbohydrates role

According to an article on the study of macronutrients published by Washington State University, The role of Carbohydrates are: ( )

1- Fuel during high-intensity exercise

2-Spares proteins (to preserve muscle mass during exercise)

3- Fuel for the Central nervous System (Your brain)

  Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) 

The same source recommends the daily value of carbohydrates (calories) depending on the activities of people: 

1- Sedentary individuals: 40-50% 

2- Exercises regularly: 60%

3- Athletes or persons involved in heavy training: 70%

Note: 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories

Food sources

The sources of carbohydrates are grains, dairy, and fruit. It is recommended by the study to choose "whole grains for added benefits, low-fat or non-fat most often, whole fruit than more often juice fruit)."

Proteins: role in the body 

1- Tissue structure (part of organ tissues, muscle, hair, skin, nails, bones tendons, ligaments and blood plasma)

2- Part of cell plasma membranes.

3- Involved in metabolic, transport, and hormone systems.

4- Make up enzymes that regulate metabolism. 

5: Involved in acid/base balance to maintain a neutral environment in our bodies.

Now we are going to indicate to you how many grams of proteins per pound of body weight you have to take daily. It depends on the type of activities you do, or if you are a homeworker. 

Recommended Daily Allowance  (RDA)

1-Sedentary Individuals: 0.36 grams

2- Recreationally Active: 0.45-0.68 grams

3- Competitive Athlete: 0.54-0.82 grams

4- Teenage Athlete: 0.82- 0.91 grams

5- Body Builder: 0.64-0.91 grams

6-When restricting calories: 0.364-0.91 grams

7- Maximum amount of protein the body can utilize: 0.91

Note: 1 gram of protein = 4 calories.

Food sources

1-Vegetables (beans)

2- Lentils

3- Soy products, such as tofu

4- peanuts and nuts

5-Whole grain, (quinoa, oats, brown rice)

6- Seeds

7- Meat alternative products 

8- Some vegetables

9-Animal sources

Fats: their role in the body

1-Energy reserve

2- Protects vital organs

3-Insulation (some materials which prevent heat loss and gain loss in the body)

4-Transport fat-soluble vitamins.

Recommended Daily Allowance 

1- 20-35% of your total daily calories should come from fat. 

According to the same article previously cited, published by Washington State University, less than 10% of total daily calories should come from Saturated Fats (coconut and palm kernel oil, shortening, butter, cream, cheese, full-fat dairy product.)

1 gram of fat = 9 calories

Food sources




4- Meats, fish, dairy


You shall never forget that you have to combine the three food groups in each meal you take (sugar, proteins, fats). 

Importance of Micronutrients 

In addition to the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are essential to a good diet, there are the vitamins, minerals, water (micronutrients), which participate in the transformation and the assimilation of the macronutrients. Where do we find these vitamins, minerals? And what about water? what are their functions in  the body?


In general, we find the vitamins in the foods we eat every day. For example, vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc.

As MedlinePlus pointed out by defining the concept of vitamin, "Vitamins help our bodies to grow and develop normally, and the best way to get enough vitamin is to eat a variety of foods."

So you should not suffer from a deficiency of vitamins if you vary your diet, and in some specific cases, you can opt for a dietary supplement, which is "A product you take to supplement your diet. It contains one or more dietary ingredients ( including, vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other botanicals, amino acids, and other substances), explains Th

Vitamins are classified in Water-Soluble Vitamins, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, Folic Acid;  Fat-Soluble Vitamins, A, D, E, K. They play different functions and may prevent to delay some types of cell damage, as for example vitamins C, E, which are antioxidants, among other substances such as (beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, selenium, etc.), underlines the source:


Vitamin B1 or Thiamin: helpful for release energy in food and prevents beriberi.
Food sources: whole grains, dried beans, peas, peanuts, animal proteins. 

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin: needed to build and maintain body tissues.
Food sources:  whole grains,  green and yellow vegetables, animal proteins.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine: helps the development of the nervous system, involved in the production of blood, and helps break down protein and glucose to produce energy for the body.
Food sources: Potatoes, chickpeas, yeast, nuts, bulgur, fish, rice, bananas.

Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin: promotes proper growth and development of the nervous system. 
Food sources: citrus fruits, cabbage, berries, peppers.

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid: helps form growth hormones, needed to build strong gums, teeth, bones, and it is an antioxidant. 
Food sources: citrus fruits, cabbage, berries, peppers.

Folic Acid: helps build DNA and protein, maintain the intestinal tract, aids in bone growth, and prevents nervous system birth defects.
Food sources: Dark green leafy vegetables, yeast, wheat germ.

Vitamin or retinal: Vision, healthy skin, healthy hair.
Food sources: Animal product, carrot, potatoes.

Vitamin D: promotes strong teeth and bones, and prevents rickets (It is a disorder caused by a lack of vitamin D, phosphor, and calcium. It leads to softening and weakening of the bones.)
Food sources : Mushrooms, dairy milk, fortified cereals, cod lover oil, tuna, salmon, eggs yolks, produced by the body when exposed to sunlight

Vitamin E: prevents damage to cell membranes, protects vitamin A, and aids in blood production. 
Food sources: Seed and nuts, vegetable oil.

Vitamin K: aids in blood clotting. 
Food sources: Green leafy vegetable, produced by bacteria in the large intestine.

Minerals: functions and sources

Calcium: maintains teeth and bones,  Helps blood clot,  helps nerves and muscles.
Food sources: Dairy milk and fortified non-dairy milks, dark green vegetables, sardines, oysters, legumes, almond. 

Potassium:  Regulates water balance in cells,  important for heart rhythm.
Food sources: Oranges, bananas, potatoes, cereals, dried beans.

Sodium: regulates water balance, stimulates nerves.

Food sources: Table salt, bread, etc.

Iron: forms blood cells, transports oxygen throughout the body. 

Food sources: Dark green vegetables, whole grain cereals, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, animal proteins.

Zinc:  Aids in the transport of carbon dioxide, aids in healing wounds, forms enzymes.

Food sources: Whole grains, fortified non-dairy milks.

Water : its composition and functions  in the body

Water is essential to keep healthy our bodies need sufficient water to make its functions, and then to survive. Our body weight is composed of more than 60%  water. 

According to an article published by USGS, Science for changing world (The water in you: water and the human body), the brain and the heart are composed of 73% water, and need it to perform its different function, the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, the muscles and kidneys are 79%, and the bones are 31%. According to the study, a adult male needs about  liters per day while an adult female needs about 2.2 liters per day.

Know that some of this water come from the foods we eat, not only from drinking liquids. 

Why the water is so imyportant for your body? Look at its functions  in organism.

  1. Moistens tissues such as those in the mouth, eyes, and nose
  2. Protects body organs and tissues
  3. Helps prevent constipation
  4. Helps dissolve minerals and other nutrients to make them accessible to the body
  5. Regulates body temperature
  6. Lubricates seals
  7. Lessens the burden on the kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products
  8. Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. 

 5 Diet Mistakes to avoid for a healthy body

Mistake 1. Don't never consider a weight loss too much, too soon

When you plan to educe you weight, you have to aim for la lasting success, and a slow, steady weight loss of about 1/2 to 1 pound per week.

Mistake 2. Don't never eat heavy  meal when you are about to sleep

Do your best to eat lightly in the evening. An evening overeaten cause weight problems.
Some foods are not recommended at night: Cruciferous  Vegetables (Broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) Red Meat, Tomato Sauce, Cured Meat and Cheeses, Dark Chocolate, Coffee, Soda, Orange Juice, Water ( Don't drink too much water before going to sleep, so as  not to disturb your sleep.)

Mistake 3. Don't never spend long time without eating

When you neglect a meal, for example a breakfast, you are going to want to eat a lot more than you should at the next meal. This diet behavior can lead you to overweight. 

Mistake 4. Don't never snack between the meals

It is recommended not to snack because  this habit may increase the total of calorie of some people. 

Mistake 5. Don't never eat and drink at the same time

According to an Macrobiotic Counsellor, Shonali Shabherwal, drinking during the meal is a wrong practice and can be difficult for digestion. "Our stomachs knows when  we will eat and start releasing the digestive juices. If you start drinking at the same time, you  are actually doing is diluting the digestive juices being released to digest your food, thereby hindering them from breaking down food.”


In this article, you have learnt how you can optimize your health by practicing the basics of the nutrition. You now know how to balance your diet by including the three food groups: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Think also of opting for a variety of food in your diet, that say in each food group, you choose several cereals, for example (rice, corn, wheat, etc.). We have also presented the different food sources for the three food groups, and vitamins, minerals, which are very necessary for keeping you healthy. Remember how important it is for you to drink sufficient water for the proper functioning of your organs. 

You will always need to remind your self of these basic food principles if you don't want to get sick at all times. We  advise you to avoid the  five (5) mistakes we have given you to not get a good health. 

We encourage you to get back to this article to remind yourself about how to mix the  three food groups to get all nutrients you need to keep in goo health. So you can avoid catching many mortal diseases such as: obesity, High blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

For the benefit of all friends and family members, I recommend you to share this article with them, or send the link to them via the social medias. You can contribute to save lives ! Do it!

I will be happy to receive your comments by emailing at, or leaving me a comment in my blog.




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